Gilian Macinnes

Gilian Macinnes Associates

Gilian Macinnes BSc MBA MRTPI worked in Local Government for over 30 years in Planning Policy and Development Management: developing policy, negotiating development proposals and developer contribution; managing planning services; and more recently, with the Planning Advisory Service, advising English LPAs, delivering improvement programmes, seminars, councillor and officer training and the PAS lead on development viability and developer contributions. She was a member to the Government's CIL Review Panel (October 2015- 2016).

Having left Local Government in summer 2016, Gilian set up Gilian Macinnes Associates and has advised a number of local authorities in relation to infrastructure delivery, developer contributions and CIL including Belfast City, Cotswold, Maldon and Vale of White Horse and delivered the PAS- 2 day viability training courses for local Authority planners. She is a regular contributor to the planning magazine, an editor of the ‘pre application & validation’ section of RICS’s isurv online. Gilian is a well-respected expert, communicator and trainer in planning and related areas and is a trustee of the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA).