Alex Csicsek

Principal (Place and Investment) Policy Officer
Westminster City Council

Alex Csicsek has over ten years’ experience in local and regional government working on planning, infrastructure, and related issues. He is currently Principal Policy (Investment and Place) Officer at Westminster City Council, where he works on infrastructure planning and delivery, including managing the investment of CIL. He previously worked at the London Borough of Bexley on the planning policy team and prior to that at the Greater London Authority in the London Assembly. Before entering the public sector, Alex worked for an infrastructure planning services company contracted to help deliver the nationally significant infrastructure project Thames Tideway Tunnel’s Development Consent Order.

Alex is a native of Baltimore, USA. He worked in American politics before moving to the UK in 2009 to get his masters from the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. He is passionate about planning and infrastructure because of their potential to improve cities and in turn create environments where communities and individuals can thrive.