Professor Kevin Morgan

Dean of Engagement
Cardiff University

Kevin is a Professor of Governance and Development in the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University and is also the University Dean of Engagement for Cardiff University. Kevin’s research interests revolve around four core themes:

1.    Innovation / Spatial Development
2.    Food / Sustainability/ Public Procurement
3.    Devolution / Governance/ Territorial Politics
4.    Foundational Economy / Community Enterprise / Wellbeing 

What makes places tick? That's one of the common threads running through Kevin’s research interests. It's why Kevin is interested in how different places - cities, regions, localities - govern themselves; how and why they develop in such different ways; and how the costs and benefits of development are distributed. Kevin’s research has been supported by a wide range of sponsors, including the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council), the British Academy; European Commission; OECD; the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/World Food Programme; Joseph Rowntree Foundation; Plunkett Foundation, and by governments and development agencies in and beyond the UK. 

Between 2013-2016 Kevin was the Principal Investigator of a consortium of ten EU universities and two regional networks that won the FP7 award for Smart Specialisation, the EU's regional innovation policy for the 2014-2020 programming period.

Kevin currently teaches on 1 undergraduate course (Political Geography) and 2 MSc courses (Urban and Regional Development and Research Methods). Kevin also contributes to the Masters in Public Leadership in Cardiff Business School.