Paul Astbury

Head of Compulsory Purchase
Carter Jonas

Paul has dealt extensively with all stages of the compulsory purchase process from pre-making acquisition strategy, compensation budgets, order justification and engagement through to expert witness at inquiry and negotiating compensation. Paul has also been directly involved with compulsory purchase law reform from the Localism Act 2011 to the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017, is a former Chair of the Compulsory Purchase Association and sits on the RICS Expert Working Group for compulsory purchase.  He has extensive acquiring authority experience including regeneration and linear projects.  Clients include Barnet, Newham, Southwark, Wandsworth, Hounslow, Canterbury, Leeds, Birmingham and West Bromwich, and linear schemes include Docklands Light Railway schemes, Jubilee Line Extension, East London Line Extension, Crossrail, High Speed 1 and High Speed 2.