Keith Mack

Quality Standards Manager

Keith started work on the railways as a mechanical apprentice at the Craigentinny Maintenance Depot in Edinburgh in 1978, now in my 47th year.

He has worked on all aspects of Rolling Stock maintenance from basic servicing to design, operations and standards, through this he has a sound knowledge of all vehicle systems, their interaction and specialist knowledge of wheels and axle bearings.

Keith has extensive experience of the environment that Rolling Stock has to operate and how it performs in reality in all weathers at speeds up to 125 mph. This includes understanding what makes them reliable and what can be done to still operate when parts of systems are defective or have been badly damaged or isolated.

He is currently responsible for Assurance, Engineering Standards and the production and control of Maintenance, Quality and Policy documentation.

Now branching out into the world maintenance based on “Sustainability” Energy reduction and Net Zero”
Keith is an IRCA registered Lead auditor for both ISO9001 and ISO14001.

He is a member of the IMechE, IET and RIFA supporting Rolling Stock and depot activities.

Keith represents the train operating community on various Rail Industry forums through the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), Rail Partners, BSI and ISO. These include;
•Vehicle Maintenance
•Wheelsets and Standards
•Axle Bearings.

Keith is chair of the BSI committee for Roller Bearings and Lubricants (UK bearing Group) and also, chair of the UK Wheelset Management Group.

He is passionate about Assurance, safe design and operation of trains, management of Engineering change, reliability, whole life effective maintenance and vehicle configuration.