Ben Winstanley MRICS

Strategic Estates Manager
Vale of Glamorgan Council

Ben is a Chartered Surveyor and the Strategic Estates Manager at the Vale of Glamorgan Council he manages the Estates, Energy and Facilities services and has a passion for sustainability, renewable energy and cycling.

Ben has been part of an initiative which involved multiple collegues across the council, Welsh Government Energy Service and Energy Saving Trust and Carbon Trust on the electrification of the Pool car fleet.

The Vale of Glamorgan operate a robust pool car service which was introduced in order to ensuring that vehicles were safe and roadworthy whilst minimising mileage claims. The set up presented an opportunity to look at the vehicles together and consider how to meet the Welsh Government target of ensuring “all new cars and light goods vehicles in the Public Sector fleet are ultra low emission by 2025

Together with the Energy Saving trust and the Carbon Trust the current usage of the fleet was analysed using the GPS data from the previous year and a recommendation formed.

The work resulted in a successful bid to the council’s capital programme to fund the infrastructure and first phase of cars. The project is mid delivery, Ben will share the headlines and lessons learnt so far from the project.