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Registration and refreshments
08:45  to  09:30
Day 1: Changing policy, Project Speed and successfully creating your application
08:45  to  17:20
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
09:30  to  09:40
Gideon Amos OBE. Managing Director. Amos Ellis Consulting.
Part 1: Latest policy changes impacting the Planning Act 2008 regime and speeding up the process
09:40  to  12:40
The future of major infrastructure planning: updates on Project Speed and wider policy changes impacting the NSIP process
09:40  to  10:05
  • Latest insight on Project Speed
  • Aims of Faster, Better and Greener
  • Updates on both the Environment and Planning Bills
  • What do reforms mean for major infrastructure planning? 
  • Next steps and timelines 
Jenny Preece. Deputy Director – Planning. Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Planning Inspectorate update: latest updates and guidance
10:05  to  10:30
  • Latest advice and guidance for 2022 
  • Project Speed update 
  • Projects expected 
  • Are the numbers of projects increasing and what is the impact? 
Susannah Guest. Operations Lead – Project Speed. Planning Inspectorate.
Panel discussion: Speeding up the NSIP process – what is possible and how can it be achieved?
10:30  to  11:10
  • Where are the opportunities to speed up the process? What changes are needed? 
  • Learnings so far from Project Speed pilots
  • Shortening pre-application – the risks and delays that could affect other areas
  • Who will be most impacted by speeding up the process? 
  • Can different projects be sped up in the same way? What are the challenges for more complex schemes?   
  • Is there anything that isn’t being covered by the pilots and won’t be comparable for future projects? 
Stewart Patience. DCO Programme Manager. National Highways.
Philip Ridley. Head of Planning and Coastal Management. East Suffolk Council.
Duncan O'Connor. Partner. BDB Pitmans.
Morning refreshments and networking
11:10  to  11:40
Case study: speeding up pre-application
11:40  to  12:05
  • How time savings have been achieved
  • What have been the impacts?
Monica Corso Griffiths. A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project Head of Design and Development Consent Order. National Highways.
Andy Johnson. AmeyArup Project Director. A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project.
Part 2: Latest national policy statement updates and case making
12:05  to  13:55
National policy statements – where are we now?
12:05  to  12:30
  • Which NPS are being updated, what’s changing and what are the timelines? 
  • Which NPS aren’t being reviewed and what is the impact of this? 
  • The need for NPS alignment with new environmental requirements and technological innovation
  • Are the proposed NPS updates enough?


Liz Dunn. Partner. Burges Salmon.
Case making: successfully demonstrating the need for projects
12:30  to  12:55
  • Demonstrating the need for a project through case making
  • Conducting project development with no or an outdated NPS
  • Embedding case making into your application 
Will Spencer. Infrastructure and Environmental Planning Associate. Barton Willmore.
Networking Lunch
12:55  to  13:55
Part 3: Meeting net zero targets and environmental requirements
13:55  to  15:40
Update on environmental assessment policy and guidance for project development
13:55  to  14:20
  • Latest impact assessment policy and guidance
  • Assessing the environmental impact of new projects 
  • Future trends and pitfalls for carrying out EIA
Dr Rufus Howard. Impact Assessment Lead. IEMA.
Achieving net zero – practical strategies to reduce carbon emissions and meet climate change targets
14:20  to  14:45
  • Different carbon offsetting methods and how to include them in your project 
  • What will new technologies and energy schemes mean for NSIPs? What types of technologies will be used and how will these be included in applications? 
  • Benefits of carbon capture, hydrogen and other renewable resources
Grant Douglas. Senior Planning & Environmental Policy Manager. ScottishPower Renewables.
Practically measuring and implementing biodiversity net gain into your project application
14:45  to  15:10
  • What does the new requirement for biodiversity net gain mean for NSIPs? How is it being included now? 
  • New DEFRA metric and measuring BNG
  • Compensatory planting – calculating the value of land correctly
  • Managing NSIPs increasing need for land acquisition – how can this be done? 
Claire Wansbury. Associate Director, Ecology: Infrastructure. Atkins.
Nick White. Principal Adviser – Net Gain. Natural England.
Afternoon refreshments and networking
15:10  to  15:40
Early engagement with local authorities and their role throughout project development
15:40  to  16:05
  • Benefitting from local knowledge and community relationships
  • Identifying the expertise and resources needed for different projects
  • Changing role of local authorities throughout project development
  • Early agreement of PPA to provide timelines for both local authorities and promoters
Philip Ridley. Head of Planning and Coastal Management. East Suffolk Council.
Carly Vince. Chief Planning Officer. EDF Energy.
Part 4: Engaging with statutory consultees and communities
15:40  to  17:20
Consultation and engagement: The challenges of communication in a post-pandemic world
16:05  to  16:30
  • How might the political debate in this country shape the NSIP regime?
  • How can we build more local confidence in the NSIP regime?
  • Has consultation turned into interrogation?
  • How can a different approach to communication accelerate the delivery of NSIPs?
Alexis Krachai. Managing Director. Counter Context.
Panel discussion: What is the future of infrastructure in a changing world - what infrastructure is needed and how to plan for this?
16:30  to  17:10
  • Impact of recent climate change reports on infrastructure development 
  • What is the infrastructure of the future and are we correctly planning for this now? 
  • Climate change and changing weather - how to plan for more resilient infrastructure 
  • Are the projects being planned now fit for purpose over the next 20-30 years? Can schemes be modified and is resilience being built in? 
  • Is current infrastructure planning in line with public expectations and awareness? The impact of climate change awareness
Alister Kratt. Director. LDA Design.
Colin Turnbull. Partner - Planning. DWD.
Chair’s closing remarks
17:10  to  17:20
Close of day 1 and networking drinks
17:20  to  18:00

*All sessions include time for Q & A* 

All times are in GMT.

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