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Registration and refreshments
08:45  to  09:30
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
09:30  to  09:40
Vicky Fowler. Partner. Gowling WLG.
Powers available for land assembly and compulsory purchase
09:40  to  10:10
  • What are the options and how can they be included in applications
  • Including land assembly in your development consent order
  • Difference between temporary and permanent powers
  • Different challenges acquiring residential vs protected land
  • Future use of powers in relation to biodiversity net gain
Richard Thurling. Principal Associate. Gowling WLG.
Conducting early land valuation – how and when should it be done?
10:10  to  10:40
  • Identifying the ‘red line’ of the scheme
  • Factors affecting value
  • Sources of information 
  • Avoiding disputese
Mark Davey. Director. Ardent Management.
Morning refreshments
10:40  to  11:10
How to perform land referencing effectively and prevent delays
11:10  to  11:40
  • Identifying stakeholders and other interested parties
  • Recording this information as part of an application
  • Conducting site inspections correctly
Peter King. Senior Project Manager. TerraQuest.
Panel discussion: What are the current concerns for landowners and how can these be addressed?
11:40  to  12:25
  • Concerns of rural vs urban landowners
  • Preempting common concerns including drainage and noise
  • Improving the accessibility of land assembly – helping landowners understand the process
  • Stakeholder’s perspective of the land assembly process
  • Should acquiring authorities provide an initial fund for landowners who are being relocated?
Paul Gardner. Senior Regeneration Manager. Enfield Council.
Gary Frost. Major Transport Projects Manager. City of York Council.
Networking lunch
12:25  to  13:25
Evolving engagement strategies with stakeholders throughout the land assembly process
13:25  to  13:55
Gary Frost. Major Transport Projects Manager. City of York Council.
Managing common risks facing compulsory purchase
13:55  to  14:25
  • Risks to account for prior to application
  • Timeline for making landowner offers and what should be included
  • Assembling the right team
Adrian Maher. Senior Partner. aspireCP.
Afternoon refreshments
14:25  to  14:55
Case Study
14:55  to  15:25
  • Lessons learned – what worked and what were the challenges? 
  • Advice for acquiring authorities
  • The future of land assembly
John Galloway. Head of UK Land & Property. Ørsted.
Lessons and guidance on successfully navigating the compulsory purchase process
15:20  to  16:00
  • Advice on overcoming common barriers 
  • The future of land assembly and compulsory purchase – how is the process evolving? 
  • Managing the land assembly process in conjunction with your NSIP application
  • Calculating compensation 
John Galloway. Head of UK Land & Property. Ørsted.
Mark Davey. Director. Ardent Management.
Adrian Maher. Senior Partner. aspireCP.
Chair’s closing remarks
16:00  to  16:10
Close of conference and networking
16:10  to  17:10

*All sessions include time for Q & A* 

All times are in BST.

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