Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Forum 2024   |  6 - 7 March 2024, London

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Day 1: 6th March – Latest policy updates and guidance on developing application
08:45  to  17:15
Registration and refreshments
08:45  to  09:30
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
09:30  to  09:40
Gideon Amos OBE. Managing Director. Amos Ellis Consulting.
Part 1: Support for major infrastructure and reforming the Planning Act 2008 regime
09:40  to  12:20
National Infrastructure Commission update
09:40  to  10:05
  •  NIA2 recommendations 
  •   Priorities in 2024 
James Heath. Chief Executive. National Infrastructure Commission.
Panel discussion: The future of major infrastructure planning – creating certainty in the process and navigating reduced timelines
10:05  to  10:55
  • How can government support industry and future infrastructure?
  • Working within the context of shortened timelines and reduced resources
  • What can the industry do to address current workforce constraints?
  • How can policy be better aligned with practice?
  • Speeding up the process – how have reforms affected major infrastructure? And how can planning feasibly be sped up?
Jamie Baldwin. Development Project Director - Hornsea Four Offshore Wind Project. Ørsted.
Richard Blyth. Head of Policy and Practice. Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).
Charlotte Rushmere. Principal Planning Officer – National Infrastructure. Essex County Council.
Frances Fernandes. Managing Director. Infrastructure Matters.
Morning networking and refreshments
10:55  to  11:25
The year ahead for the development consent order application process
11:25  to  11:55
  • Updates on speeding up the process
  • Latest advice and guidance for applications in 2024
  • Modernising NSIP’s – insight into digitalisation of processes
Gail Boyle. Operations Lead. Planning Inspectorate.
National Policy Statements – what do revised updates mean for the industry?
11:55  to  12:20
  • Timelines for proposed changes
  • What do updated NPS’s requirements mean for new projects?
  • Are the proposed NPS changes going far enough? Should they go further?
Alex Minhinick. Partner. Burges Salmon.
Environmental Outcomes Reports (EOR) – why we shouldn’t wait for reform to deliver faster, more accessible and proportionate environmental assessment?
12:20  to  12:45
  • The latest on reform including the 2023 Office for Environmental Protection review of EOR
  • What can infrastructure promoters do now to apply the principles of EOR to their projects, and why they should do it
  • How we are delivering already - delivering faster, more accessible and proportionate environmental assessment
Nick Giesler. Head of Profession, Environmental Management and Assessment. WSP.
Part 2: Environmental policy updates, reaching net zero and delivering BNG
12:20  to  14:35
Delivering net zero, climate resilience and growth through improved planning for major infrastructure
12:45  to  13:10
  • How can the NSIP be used as a vehicle to net zero and future energy security
  • Creating an NSIP process that supports the transition to net zero
  • Ensuring that project speed aligns with environmental considerations
Alistair Kean. Director of Sustainability. COWI.
Michael Wilson. Principal Consultant. Arcadis.
Networking lunch
13:10  to  14:10
Best practice for successfully including social value – practically creating positive economic, social and environmental outcomes for communities
14:10  to  14:35
  • Establishing local community needs and delivering bespoke benefits
  • Effectively communicating community benefits
  • Insight into successful forms of social value
Samantha Freelove. Legacy and Sustainability Manager. Tideway.
Practical strategies for delivering biodiversity net gain
14:35  to  15:00
  • How can biodiversity net gain practically be included in your application
  • Lessons learnt from recent major projects and how biodiversity net gain was included
  • Carrying out mitigation requirements throughout the project
Sarah Clark. Partner. BDB Pitmans.
Part 3: Engaging with communities and creating positive outcomes
14:40  to  15:55
Consultation and engagement – improving consultation and community outreach for major infrastructure
15:00  to  15:25
  • Identifying key stakeholders and consulting early
  • What will a reduction in consultation time mean for projects
  • Overcoming misunderstandings around new kinds of projects
Douglas Johnson. Director - Advocacy. SEC Newgate.
Leyla Hart-Svensson. Head of Research. SEC Newgate.
Afternoon networking and refreshments
15:25  to  15:55
Part 4: Applying lessons from recent projects to ensure delivery of future infrastructure
15:55  to  17:15
Case study
15:55  to  16:20
  • What difficulties have been encountered in the project so far
  • How can lessons learned be passed on to future developments
Sandie Forte-Gill. Director of Regional Investment Programme – North. National Highways.
Panel discussion: Delivering future infrastructure for the UK – is the regime still fit for purpose? Can we meet future population needs?
16:20  to  17:05
  • How are new projects finding the regime – water, solar, small nuclear reactors
  • How can greater certainty in the regime be established
  • How can the regime be improved to deliver the needs of the public?
  • Engaging the public in the future of infrastructure – bringing communities on the journey and consulting on key issues
  • What infrastructure is needed to reach net zero and energy security
Nick Prowse. Commercial and Legal Director. Luton Rising.
Will Bridges. DCO Lead Developer. RES.
Beth Motley. Director. Counter Context.
Colin Turnbull. Director. DWD.
Chair’s closing remarks
17:05  to  17:15
Close of day 1 and networking drinks
17:15  to  18:30

*All sessions include time for Q & A* 

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