Developing Offshore Wind Infrastructure 2025 |  25 March 2025 - Addleshaw Goddard, London

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Registration and refreshments
08:45  to  09:30
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
09:30  to  09:40
Dan Kyle Spearman. Director. Magenta Renewables Consultancy.
Part 1: Essential policy updates, the future of offshore wind and meeting future growth
09:40  to  11:45
Accelerating the deployment of offshore wind in the UK – achieving future industry growth and meeting 55GW in 2030
09:40  to  10:05
Panel Discussion: The future of offshore wind – what’s next for the sector?
10:05  to  10:50
  • How can government support the offshore wind industry?
  • The role of Great British Energy in unlocking investment for offshore wind development
  • Increasing the deployment of floating offshore wind – challenges when getting projects off the ground
  • Financing future projects
  • Derisking the adoption of new technologies and innovations for new schemes
Virginia Ruiz Albacete. Co-CEO UK & Ireland. Copenhagen Offshore Partners.
Richard Crossick. Head of UK Public Affairs. Ørsted.
Bruce Chen. Partner. Addleshaw Goddard.
Lauren McIntosh. Industry Development Lead – Renewables. Xodus Group.
Future leasing opportunities for the offshore wind sector – contributing towards energy security and future growth
10:50  to  11:15
  • Timelines and next steps for future leasing rounds - opportunities beyond 2025
  • Identifying new spatial pathways to maximise the potential of seabed leasing
  • Improving certainty for projects
  • How future leasing can negate environmental concerns
Morning refreshments
11:15  to  11:45
Part 2: Planning, consenting and delivering offshore wind projects in the UK
11:45  to  15:45
Accelerating the planning process in the UK to improve confidence in the sector
11:45  to  12:10
  • Policy reforms to accelerate the consenting process
  • Minimising the environmental impact of your development
Francis Tyrell. Partner, Planning and Infrastructure Consenting. Addleshaw Goddard.
Panel Discussion: Planning and delivering a practical environmental strategy for offshore wind projects
12:10  to  13:00
  • Creating a coordinated and strategic approach to identifying and delivering any required environmental compensation measures
  • Providing compensation measures to offset potential negative environmental impacts
  • Delivering habitat restoration and creation 
  • Best practice for remaining environmentally compliant
Catriona Munro. Offshore Consents Manager. Buchan Offshore Wind.
Emanuele Stella. Technical Director- Head of Offshore Renewables. SLR Consulting.
John Bleach. Principal Consultant. GoBe Consultants.
Networking lunch
13:00  to  14:00
Establishing an effective supply chain and procurement strategy for your project
14:00  to  14:25
  • Creating a sustainable offshore wind supply chain for your project
  • What kind of projects are attracting funding? 
  • International funding options
Rob Lowther. Procurement Development Manager. Corio Generation.
Community consultation and stakeholder engagement – improving community outreach and co-existing your offshore wind project
14:25  to  14:50
  • Co-existing your project among other projects – reaching out to other scheme stakeholders 
  • Gaining community buy in for your project- reaching seldom heard groups 
  • Engaging with the fishing industry
Effectively co-locating your offshore wind project among other projects and forms of energy generation technologies
14:50  to  15:15
  • The benefits of co-located projects 
  • Anticipating challenges that may be associated with site selection
  • Consider all factors including – access to the grid and logistics
Aleks Schmidt-Sweetingham. Offshore Consents Manager. Ocean Winds.
Afternoon refreshments
15:15  to  15:45
Part 3: Successfully supporting offshore wind projects through a reformed grid system and improved infrastructure at ports
15:45  to  17:10
Case Study: Developing floating offshore wind
15:45  to  16:10
  • Overcoming consenting challenges for floating offshore wind
  • Minimising the environmental impact of your development
Creating a reformed grid connection system – getting more projects connected to the grid
16:10  to  16:35
  • Developing the first Strategic Spatial Energy Plan – exploring the optimal location for offshore wind connections
  • Delivering a coordinated offshore transmission regime 
  • The pathway to 2030 holistic network design
Speaker from. AECOM.
Supporting the offshore wind sector at ports – delivering infrastructure, aiding logistics and maintaining turbines
16:35  to  17:00
  • Adapting port infrastructure to support offshore wind projects
  • Reducing supply chain constraints 
  • Insight into future plans for improvement
Speaker from. Associated British Ports.
Chair’s closing remarks
17:00  to  17:10
Close of conference and networking drinks
17:10  to  17:45

*All sessions include time for Q & A* 


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