Rolling Stock Forum 2025   |   12 February 2025 – Addleshaw Goddard, London

This event has passed - Register interest for 2026

Rail reforms, decarbonisation requirements, changing passenger needs, and infrastructure upgrades are all impacting the future of rolling stock.  Decisions need to be made soon to allow for the delivery of fleet to meet targets and continue successful operations. 

Attend to understand how to progress decisions and meet rolling stock needs, despite uncertainty. You will hear practical strategies on rolling stock management and undertaking procurement, with insight on financing and what investors are looking for, and how to manage life extension.

The day will consider the impact of decarbonisation on fleet requirement, looking at the plans for electrification and how new fuels can successfully be brought into operation – considering the right options for different areas.


  • Explore the impact of new rail reforms on rolling stock – what will new structures  mean for the sector and how can decisions be made now in times of uncertainty
  • Receive insight on how the sector can move forward and overcome barriers facing rolling stock upgrades and procurement 
  • Understand the future of finance and investment of rolling stock – what models being used and what are investors looking for? 
  • Examine how to progress decarbonisation and successfully introduce new fuels into operation – understand where electrification, batteries and hydrogen can be used 
  • Review how to identify the optimal choice between extending life of existing trains or replacing them – what are the cost benefits of both options? 
  • Hear case studies and practical lessons on successfully deploying new fleet – with a focus on reducing risks throughout the process and potential delays










The event is due to take place at: Addleshaw Goddard, 60 Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4AG.

Want to be involved or sign up for updates? 

Fill in your details to find out more about Rolling Stock Forum 2025 - whether it's sponsoring, speaking or attending.

Thank you for getting in contact. We will be in contact with more information shortly. If you have any questions in the mean time please call 0207 067 1597.

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