Planning for Solar Infrastructure 2025 | 16 January 2025 - Broadfield Law UK, London

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Registration and refreshments
08:45  to  09:30
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
09:30  to  09:40
Sophie Lethier. Senior Policy Manager. Energy UK.
Part 1: Policy updates and future actions needed to scale up solar infrastructure
09:40  to  10:50
Updates on the latest planning policy changes to enable solar development – government’s support and next steps
09:40  to  10:05
  • How will new policy streamline the planning process for new projects?
  • Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and increasing the thresholds for new solar NSIPs
  • Development of the Strategic Spatial Energy Plan – defining where solar farms are needed the most
  • The progress with grid connection reforms – implementing  the first ready connected approach
Tim Warham. Senior Policy Advisor. Department for Energy, Security & Net Zero.
Panel Discussion: Increasing solar capacity across the UK - what does the industry need to accelerate the deployment of solar infrastructure?
10:05  to  10:50
  • Are upcoming changes enough to speed up development?
  • Establishing a more coordinated approach between national policy statements and the revised planning policy framework
  • Allowing flexibility to enable planning for grid connections
  • What more can be done to resolve the skill shortage in the industry?
Ben Du Feu. Barrister. Cornerstone Barristers.
Colin Turnbull. Planning Director. DWD.
Matt Black. Managing Director. IG Renewables.
Morning networking and refreshments
10:50  to  11:20
Part 2: Planning new projects – connecting to the grid, securing planning consent and reducing impacts
11:20  to  12:35
Selecting the best site – positioning your project correctly and maximising existing land space
11:20  to  11:45
  • How to identify a suitable location for your project – considering logistics and access to grid infrastructure  
  • New innovations to overcome limited land availability – including agrivoltaics and floating solar infrastructure
  • Engaging landowners to establish long-term leasing agreements
Neil Titley. Technical Director, Environment. AECOM.
Best approaches to overcoming grid constraints and long connection timelines
11:45  to  12:10
  • Gaining a viable grid connection – derisking offers and meeting milestones
  • Meeting increasing demand - work underway to upgrade grid infrastructure
  • The impact of connection points on project location
Jamie Bright. Data Science & Development Manager. UK Power Networks DSO.
Jordi Carbonell. Power System Engineer. UK Power Networks DSO.
Assessing commercial viability of new solar schemes – ensuring project success and delivery
12:10  to  12:35
  • Identifying barriers to project development and effective solutions
  • Reducing risks and solutions to increasing costs for new projects
  • Navigating supply chain constraints
  • Considerations of evolving technologies
Liv Miller. Director. Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners.
Networking lunch
12:35  to  13:35
Effectively navigating planning process for solar projects
13:35  to  14:00
  • Selecting the most suitable planning route for your project - DCO vs TCPA
  • Implications of new thresholds for solar projects – what does this mean for future schemes?
  • Demonstrating 10% biodiversity net gain in your application
Richard Marsh. Partner. Broadfield UK.
Meeting the requirements of the NPS in respect of landscape and heritage considerations
14:00  to  14:25
  • Critical national priority for low carbon infrastructure
  • Reducing landscape and visual impacts
  • A proportionate approach to archaeology
  • Cumulative effects and emerging clusters
  • Criteria for Good Design
Matthew Sharpe. Senior Director. Quod.
Part 3: Engaging with stakeholders and delivering large-scale projects
14:25  to  16:55
Panel Discussion: Conducting successful engagement – explaining projects and understanding the values of local communities
14:25  to  15:10
  • New approaches to demonstrating solar energy’s local benefits
  • Delivering an effective engagement strategy in areas with multiple projects
  • Identifying local concerns around solar projects -  building trust with the community
  • What can the sector do to improve the public perception of solar infrastructure?
  • Best models to deliver community benefits
Alan Greenwood. Stakeholder Engagement Manager. SSE Renewables.
John Taylor. Head of Capacity Building and Strategic Development. Community Energy England.
Peter Hess. Senior External Affairs Manager. EDF Renewables.
Afternoon networking and refreshments
15:10  to  15:40
Local authority perspective – engaging with local authorities on solar development
15:40  to  16:05
  • What do local authorities expect from solar developers?
  • How and when to engage – communicating with local authorities at an early stage
  • Aligning solar projects with local plans
  • Presenting project information and impacts
David Carford. Programme Manager. Cambridgeshire County Council.
Tim Watkins. Head of Planning. Cambridgeshire County Council.
Integrating energy storage system into solar projects – benefits and new opportunities
16:05  to  16:30
  • What are the advantages of developing energy storage systems alongside solar projects
  • Identifying the right energy storage options to co-locate with your solar scheme
  • Adding BESS to existing solar farms to fully maximise efficiency
  • Emerging technologies for large scale and long duration energy storage
Bill Rees. Managing Director. Enso Energy.
Case study – planning and delivering major solar projects
16:30  to  16:55
  • Key challenges when developing new solar schemes
  • Practical insights and lessons learnt
Bente Klein. Development Project Manager. RWE Renewables.
Chair’s closing remarks
16:55  to  17:05
Close of conference and networking drinks
17:05  to  18:00

*All sessions include time for Q & A* 


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