08:45  to  09:30
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
09:30  to  09:40
Paul Horton. CEO. Future Water Association.
Improving regulation and removing barriers: RAPID’s vision to meet the new growth agenda
09:40  to  10:10
  • What are the new development and supply options?
  • Assessment processes and scheme feasibility
  • Increasing resilience and the environment agenda simultaneously
  • Water companies role – what are the regulators’ expectations?
  • Joined up thinking to alleviate all risks between water resources and flood management
Margaret Read. Director, Stakeholders and Programme (RAPID). Ofwat.
The role of regional groups in delivering and exceeding regulator expectations
10:10  to  10:30
  • The impact and imperative of the climate crisis on how to plan for the next generation of infrastructure
  • Evolving ‘resilience and adaptive’ planning to be able to make long term investment decisions under uncertainty
  • Systems thinking and the links across other sectors and other planning areas
Trevor Bishop. Organisational Development Director. Water Resources in the South East.
Building and maintaining resilient UK water infrastructure which is fit for the future
10:30  to  10:55
  • Critical infrastructure strategy for water supply; a data driven approach
  • Plans, challenges and expectations for the water industry to meet demand and improve resilience
  • Risk management strategies to manage infrastructure assets
Laura Burnett. Water Service Strategy Team Leader. Scottish Water.
Networking and morning break
10:55  to  11:25
Ensuring effective flood risk management through sustainable drainage systems
11:25  to  11:50
  • What infrastructure is needed to support SuDS?
  • What are the benefits and the options?
  • Main challenges with surface water drainage and how to overcome
  • Impacts on water quality and bio-diversity
John Rumble. Head of Environmental Resource Planning. Hertfordshire County Council.
Responding to the climate emergency and reducing the water industry’s carbon footprint – viability and strategy
11:50  to  12:15
  • How can we effectively tackle embedded carbon? What are the initiatives out there?
David Riley. Head of Carbon Neutrality. Anglian Water.
Developing blue-green infrastructure to tackle environmental degradation and maximise socio-economic opportunity
12:15  to  12:40
  • What does blue-green infrastructure planning entail?
  • What are the main challenges?
  • Benefits to urban areas, water resources and quality
  • Where can this be done and what opportunities exist?
Dr Jenny Mant. Technical Director. Ricardo.
Networking lunch
12:40  to  13:40
Panel discussion: Effectively planning water infrastructure for climate extremities and 2030 carbon neutrality
13:40  to  14:25
  • Dealing with increasing population and climate change across water supply and waste water
  • How can water companies improve their ecological status
  • What new innovation is out there?
  • Planning for new infrastructure under 2030 zero carbon targets – what are the changes and the process?
Trevor Bishop. Organisational Development Director. Water Resources in the South East.
Adrian Johnson. Technical Director. Stantec.
Lila Thompson. Chief Executive. British Water.
Maximising asset health: Updating and maintaining assets to future proof infrastructure
14:25  to  14:50
  • Long term asset investment whilst reducing costs – are we doing enough?
  • Remote condition monitoring to improve efficiency of assets
  • Investing in critical stress areas
  • Making better use of data and information gathering – what are the technological developments?
Chris Royce. Head of Asset and Investment Management Strategy. Anglian Water.
Halving leakage or zero leakage by 2050? Strategies and new technology
14:50  to  15:15
  • What are the technology options out there and where can they be implemented
  • Best practice in reducing leakage – challenges and lessons learnt
  • Current advancements with leakage repair
Simon Dray. Managing Director. Hydrosave UK and SSI Services UK Water Group.
Networking and afternoon break
15:15  to  15:45
Lessons for Water NSIPs from other sectors
15:45  to  16:10
  • NSIP consenting is new to water sector
  • Making best use of the NSIP regime 
  • Avoiding pitfalls from other sectors
Julian Boswall. Partner. Burges Salmon.
Panel discussion: How can the industry respond to increasing demand and improve water efficiency?
16:10  to  16:55
  • Are we planning infrastructure the right way to meet demand?
  • What comes after good asset management?
  • Changing consumer behaviour - what are the strategies?
  • What would decentralisation look like for water resources
Terry Fuller. Chief Executive. The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management.
Mike Woolgar. Water Strategy Director. WSP.
Andrew Tucker. Water Efficiency Manager. Thames Water.
Chair’s closing remarks
16:55  to  17:00
Close of conference and networking
17:00  to  17:30