Connecting Projects to the Grid 2024 | 13 June 2024 - Addleshaw Goddard, London

This event has passed - 2025 event now launched
Registration and refreshments
08:45  to  09:30
Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
09:30  to  09:40
Kyle Smith. Head of Connections. Energy Networks Association.
Ensuring a resilient electricity transmission network - updates on current policy and future plans
09:40  to  10:05
  • Progress with the Transmission Acceleration Action Plan recommendations
  • Future plans to ensure meeting demand and support for future generation
Karen Rowe. Managing Associate, Infrastructure Projects & Energy. Addleshaw Goddard.
Panel Discussion: Next steps to implementing policy reforms to further facilitate faster transmission and distribution access – what else is needed for faster connections?
10:05  to  10:50
  • Reforming the existing transmission and distribution connection model – what long-term measures are required?
  • What tangible actions can be taken now to minimise uncertainty for new projects?
  • Transporting a greater volume of clean energy – what is needed to secure consistent renewable energy supply
Estelle Dehon KC. Cornerstone Barristers.
Anna Ai. Managing Associate, Infrastructure Projects and Energy. Addleshaw Goddard.
William Duncan. Head of Operations. Telis Energy.
Morning networking and refreshment
10:50  to  11:20
Plans for improving access to the distribution network – simplifying the connection process and progressing projects that are ready to connect
11:20  to  11:45
  • New accelerated offers – who are the recipients and how are projects being deployed faster?
  • Delivering a flexible network to unlock more capacity
  • Current upgrades to the network that are reducing constraints on the grid
Maurice Lynch. Head of System Flexibility. Northern Powergrid.
Delivering shared grid connections – new opportunities to maximise available capacity on the network
11:45  to  12:10
  • What technologies are best suited for sharing a grid connection?
  • Why is co-location so important now?
  • What makes a good site for multiple technologies?
  • The benefits of having a singular connection point for multiple technologies
Christie Sims. Head of Grid. BSR Energy.
Networking lunch
12:10  to  13:10
Successfully gaining planning consent for electricity infrastructure – practical insight on navigating the planning process
13:10  to  13:35
  • Revised National Policy Statement for electricity networks infrastructure – what are the implications for new projects?
  • Planning for national projects versus local schemes – how do they differ and what needs to be prioritised?
  • Overcoming planning obstacles for the connection of energy projects
  • Aligning the planning process with connection offer agreement timelines to meet crucial milestones
Gary Sector. Partner. Addleshaw Goddard.
Effectively engaging key stakeholders to achieve successful project delivery – what works best?
13:35  to  14:00
  • Correctly identifying key stakeholders to engage early and ensure proactive communication
  • Building successful relationships with landowners to address landscape challenges
  • Best approaches to working with local authorities and ensure a beneficial collaboration
Katie Jackson. Head of Engagement. WSP.
Creating a new smart grid – benefits and opportunities of integrating the latest digital technologies into infrastructure
14:00  to  14:25
  • What does a smart grid look like? – considering the role of automation and AI
  • How can smart transformer technology balance the network and protect it against potential faults?
  • Leveraging innovation to release real-time data – allowing developers to make more informed decision and cut risks
  • New technological solutions that lead to cheaper connections
Jamie Bright. DSO Data Science and Development Manager. UK Power Networks.
Afternoon networking and refreshments
14:25  to  14:55
Deploying energy storage systems to improve grid stability – how to enable more self-sufficient transmission and distribution networks
14:55  to  15:20
  • The value of energy storage and which projects can it be applied to
  • Balancing the grid as the share of energy sources increases
  • Identifying the best location for placing BESS to maximise efficiency at both transmission and distribution level
  • Long duration energy storage – delivering a consistent and reliable power supply
Ali Akbar Ajmerwala. Technical Manager. Luminous Energy.
Panel Discussion: Future proofing the UK energy network – ensuring existing grid infrastructure is equipped to withstand future challenges
15:20  to  16:05
  • Acting now to improve energy security– overcoming current weaknesses and anticipating upcoming barriers to network resiliency
  • Designing transmission and distribution infrastructure to be climate adaptive
  • What role should the public and private sectors play in driving investment to reduce network vulnerability?
  • The Great Grid Update – what else is needed to deliver the future power grid?
  • Modernising the grid to reduce the need for costly new infrastructure
Dr Rob Bloom. Manager - Energy Transition. The Carbon Trust.
Ross McGhin. Network Resilience Manager. National Grid.
Bridgit Hartland-Johnson. Chief Specialist - System Integration. Ørsted.
Chair’s closing remarks
16:05  to  16:15
Close of conference and networking drinks
16:15  to  17:30

*All sessions include time for Q & A* 


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