We've moved to a new site this year.
For Wales Climate Week 2022, please click here!

The next Low Carbon Plan will be an All Wales Plan and will be published in November 2021, the same time as COP26 which is being held in Glasgow. 

This page shows some of the collective effort already taking place across Wales in tackling the climate change from public bodies, communities, business and people. If you want to show your video too please submit it HERE



Business Wales

Capital Valley Plastics

CCAT - Coastal Communities Adapting Together

Centre for Alternative Technology

Cynnal Cymru

Eco Schools

Egni Co-op

Extinction Rebellion

Foundation for Environmental Education

Garden Organic

Henbant Permaculture

Hybu Cig Cymru

HyCymru, Wales Hydrogen Trade Association

Marine Energy Wales

Marine Power Systems


National Forest for Wales

National Trust


One Planet Cardiff

Renew Wales

Repair Café Wales

RICE Cymru



Size of Wales

Swansea University - Decarbonisation

Swansea University - SPECIFIC

Swansea University - You and CO2

TUC Cymru

University of Bristol

Wales Commonwealth Games

Wales Co-op